F1b – The NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) - Would Repeat

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F1b The NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) - Would Repeat

Results from 2022 NSSE survey

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Table Notes

F1: Results from the NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement)

Source: University files


1. NSSE is conducted every 3 years; all Ontario universities participate in the survey.

2. Two questions from the survey are presented here:

How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution?

If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending?

3. For more detailed results, see individual universities’ websites.

 Institution-Specific Notes:

Carleton: Senior Year results are for fourth year respondents in four year programs. Carleton also has three year programs.

 Guelph: 1. Percentages are weighted by gender and enrolment status. Weights are computed separately for first-year and senior-year students. 2. Percentages include respondents from the University of Guelph main campus. 3. Percentages and weights are calculated by NSSE. Percentages are from NSSE 2014 Mean and Frequency Report for the University of Guelph main campus.

 Lakehead: For more information click on NSSE Lakehead

 Ottawa: Starting in 2012, Saint Paul University is reported as a separate university.

 Saint Paul: Does not participate in the survey.

 Toronto and 3 campuses: Excludes the Toronto School of Theology.

 Toronto Total: Includes 3 campuses (St. George, UofT Mississauga (UTM), and UofT Scarborough (UTSC)).

 Western: Excludes affiliated colleges.

 Brescia (2006): No data reported

 Huron (2006): No data reported

 King’s (2006): No data reported

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