G2 – First Year Domestic Tuition and Ancillary Fees by Program

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G2 First Year Domestic Tuition and Ancillary Fees by Program


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Table Notes

G2: First Year Domestic Tuition and Ancillary Fees by Program

Source: COU and universities

 Institution-Specific Notes:

Guelph: Tuition fees for the Engineering program vary by specialization. Maximum fee is shown 2009 forward.

 OCAD does not have an Arts & Science program, but lists their fees under Fine Arts. For the purpose of comparisons among universities, the Fine Arts fee has been entered under Arts & Science.

 Ottawa (2012-13): Fee information for the University of Ottawa only. Fees for the Law program represent the Common Law program only; tuition fees for Civil Law are generally about 55% of Common Law fees.

 Saint Paul: Source: Institutional records.

 Toronto and all 3 campuses: (1) Ancillary fees vary by college, faculty and campus.

(2) Students who are registered in Commerce and Computer Science programs pay the same fee as Arts & Science students in their first year. The higher fees noted in the above table are for second year students (who are in the first year of the Commerce and Computer Science programs).

(3) Excludes the Toronto School of Theology.

 Toronto Total: Data shown is for the St. George campus except for Journalism which is only offered at UTSC.

 Toronto St. George: Ancillary fees vary by college, faculty and campus. Ancillary fees for Arts & Science, Environmental Studies/Science, Business & Commerce and Computer Science shown above are based on University College.

 Waterloo (2008-09): For information on institution-specific programs (Co-op program fees, Accounting and Financial Management, Computing and Financial Management, Applied Health Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, and Computational Mathematics), please see Waterloo's CUDO web site.

 Huron (2009-10): For fees on Media Info/Technoculture and Theology see university website.

 King’s (2006-07): data not reported.

 WLU: 2016-17 undergraduate and graduate tuition fees can be found at: https://students.wlu.ca/reigstration-and-finances/tuition-and-fees/tuition-fees.html

 York (2011): Source: COU and York University

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