K2A – Key Performance Indicators, Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, New Year 1 Students

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K2A Key Performance Indicators, Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, New Year 1 Students

Total Graduates in 2022, who were enrolled in full time year 1 undergraduate studies in Fall 2015

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Table Notes

K2A - Key Performance Indicators, Degree Completion Rate for Undergraduate Cohort, Fall xxxx, New Year 1 Students

Source:  MCU and universities


  1. To ensure confidentiality, cells representing counts less-than or equal-to 5 are suppressed and displayed as "*"
  2. Graduation Rates: The MCU has calculated graduation rates using a single entering cohort of students and determining whether or not they graduated within seven years. The methodology employed involves the selection of all new full-time, Year One undergraduate students on the official Fall xxxx enrolment file, who have a valid (and unique) student ID number, and were seeking either a bachelors or first professional degree. The subset was then matched against the records for students who received a degree (in any program) from the same institution during the most current seven year period (xxxx to xxxx).
  3. The Overall Average figure was not reported by all universities for all years.
  4. The ‘New full-time year one undergraduate students enrolled in fall xxxx’ and ‘students reported above who graduated by xxxx’ are reported on K2A2 and are not reported by all universities for all years.

 Institution-Specific Notes:

Guelph: Guelph and Guelph-Humber campus combined.

 Laurentian: Engineering students interested in specialties other than metallurgy and mining engineering (e.g., civil, mechanical, chemical engineering) had to transfer after two years to another university. Laurentian did not offer all four years of the program for several engineering specialties. Because of this arrangement and the methodology used by the Ministry, graduation rates for Laurentian's engineering programs are abnormally low.

 UOIT: UOIT became a university in 2003, so the first cohort of graduating students is in 2010.

 Ottawa: (until 2012) Saint Paul University graduates are included. Starting in 2012, Saint Paul University is reported as a separate university.

 Saint Paul: data not reported.

 Toronto Total: Data is available at the institutional level only.

 Western: excludes affiliated colleges

 Brescia (2007 graduates): Data not reported

 Huron (2003 graduates): Data not reported

 King’s (2003, 2006 to 2009 graduates): Data not reported

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